Founded in 1919, OSSTF/FESSO represents almost 60,000 public high school teachers, occasional teachers, educational assistants, continuing education teachers and instructors, psychologists, secretaries, speech-language pathologists, social workers, plant support personnel, attendance counsellors and many other educational workers.

OSSTF/FESSO is a strong, independent, socially active union that promotes and advances the cause of public education and the rights of students, educators and educational workers. While establishing working conditions for its members, OSSTF/FESSO also works to build strong public services, preserve academic freedom, prevent the privatization and commercialization of our educational institutions, ensure that students receive an education free of bias and discrimination and provide an equitable opportunity for all students to succeed in a strong, well-funded, public education system.

Simply put, the Federation is committed to protecting and enhancing public education in Ontario.

This results in the greatest good for both our members and our province.  This is because:

As one of the most powerful, progressive forces in the educational community, OSSTF/FESSO can back up its beliefs with action – and really make a difference. All our efforts to protect and enhance public education are founded on the value of public education and the principles required to sustain it.

For more information visit the OSSTF/FESSO website and Facebook page.

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