New Teachers' To Dos

New Teachers: First Things First

If you are a new member of the Teachers' / Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit, here is a list of five important tasks that you should complete as soon as possible once hired to get off to a good start:

1 - Obtain a copy of the Collective Agreement

When you are hired, the Board must provide you with a copy of the Collective Agreement. It is available on this site as well, but the employer is required to provide you with your own copy. New members should ask for one if it is not provided to them.

Read through the Collective Agreement and file it in a conveniently accessible location. You will have occasion to refer to this document from time to time.

2 - Contact OTIP to Complete Your Group Benefits Enrolment

As a TLDSB employee you have access to Group Benefits. Some of these benefits may be mandatory conditions of your employment; others will be optional.  You should review the material, complete and return any required forms, and contact the Ontario Teachers' Insurance Plan (OTIP) to arrange your enrolment at the earliest possible moment to avoid any unpleasant complications.

Questions regarding benefits should be directed to John Mazara at the District Office.

3 - Meet the Union Rep in your School

Find out who the OSSTF Branch President or Representative is at your work site and introduce yourself. They can be a tremendous resource and support for you on a wide range of issues.

Complete the OSSTF personal information collection form when it is provided to you.  This is a key way to ensure that the District Office can get information to you as necessary. You will also receive newsletters and bulletins from OSSTF that you should make time to read.  Attend OSSTF meetings when you can, and stay informed.

4 - Apply for Equivalent Teaching Experience and Related Work Experience

If you have previous teaching experience or experience gained through active employment that relates to the area in which you were hired to teach, then you may be eligible for recognition on the salary grid. You have up to six months from the first day worked after being hired by TLDSB in which to apply for this recognition, but don't wait! Ask the HR Department about it when you are hired, and contact the District Office to assist you in putting together your claim. To support your claim, you will be required to provide appropriate documentation. 

See Article L7.03d) and L7.05 in the Collective Agreement for more information regarding the process and the conditions for the granting of Equivalent Teaching Experience and Related Work Experience.

5 - Obtain a QECO Rating Statement

Your placement on the salary grid is, in part, determined by the category you have achieved, as determined by the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO).  If you have never applied for a QECO rating statement before, you will need to submit an application for an initial rating statement.  If you have been previously issued a rating statement, but have taken additional courses or degree programs since it was issued, you might consider having your qualifications re-evaluated.

A QECO evaluation may take many weeks to complete, especially at high volume times of year like the fall and spring.  Start the process as soon as possible, as you will be required to provide all transcripts and other documentation for evaluation; and QECO will not begin processing your application until it is complete, and all documents have been received.

Once you have obtained your rating statement, it is your responsibility to provide it to the DSB.  QECO will only communicate with you, and will not submit it to any other party on your behalf.  Please ensure that if you are submitting an updated rating statement to the employer that you do so by the May 31st deadline, as outlined in the Collective Agreement, to ensure that you receive any pay that you might be entitled to retroactively.

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